Transcript - Silverchair on Modern Rock Live Online via America Online
November 26, 1995

OnlineHost: SlvrChrMRL has entered the room.
Question: Are you still gonna do your tour with the Chili Peppers? If so, is it coming to Dallas?
SlvrChrMRL: The Chili Peppers aren't coming, but silverchair is. December 15th at the Bomb Factory.
Question: What advice do you carry to young people who want to play in a band?
SlvrChrMRL: Have fun and don't take shit off anybody.
SlvrChrMRL: About three and a half years.
Question: do you have any pets that travel with you?
SlvrChrMRL: Yeah, a raccoon and a hamster. And a cat.
SlvrChrMRL: They're all bandaged up. Scabs all over 'em.
SlvrChrMRL: Puss infested.
Question: what kind of guitar do u prefer
SlvrChrMRL: Ranger or Onyx. Or an Ibanez double-neck.
Question: Hello. Will you be in the Seattle area anytime soon?
SlvrChrMRL: No, not this tour. We played there last tour -- it was one of our best gigs.
Question: When are you guys are coming to the San Francisco Bay Area?
SlvrChrMRL: Tomorrow!
Question: How did you meet each other?
SlvrChrMRL: At school. We've known each other for ages.
Question: are you all really 15?
SlvrChrMRL: Daniel's 16.
Question: Do you guys preper indica or sativa?
SlvrChrMRL: We prefer sativa.
Question: Do you guys have girlfriends?
SlvrChrMRL: Ben and Chris do.
Question: how are the buds in australia?
SlvrChrMRL: Great! But there's a drought at the moment.
Question: What do your parents think?
SlvrChrMRL: They think the world's coming to an end. They think the dog's balls smell.
SlvrChrMRL: They also think that the situation in Bosnia is sad.
Question: how long have you been together?
SlvrChrMRL: 16 1/2 years and nine months.
Question: are there any of your songs that you don't like?
SlvrChrMRL: All of 'em.
Question: How does it feel to be an up and coming new band?
SlvrChrMRL: Feels pretty up and coming.
SlvrChrMRL: That could mean a number of things.
Question: What was it like when you found out you were a hit and people liked you? Were you like "WOW?!"
SlvrChrMRL: We don't want to answer that. We're too embarrassed.
Question: What was it that inspired your song "tomorrow?"
SlvrChrMRL: Donkeys' ear wax.
SlvrChrMRL: A donkey's brown eye.
Question: Who influenced you?
SlvrChrMRL: Chris Isaak, Boyz II Men, MC Hammer, TLC, Garth Brooks, All for One, Ray Charles, Roy Orbison.
SlvrChrMRL: Frank Sinatra.
SlvrChrMRL: Mary Poppins.
SlvrChrMRL: The Wiggles.
Question: I'm a guitarist, what effects do you with your guitar during concerts?
SlvrChrMRL: Just delay. Gee, that was worth three bucks.
Question: when is your birthday, Daniel?
SlvrChrMRL: 54th of January, B.C.
Question: What cities are you guys all from?
SlvrChrMRL: Newcastle, Australia
Question: what are some cds u have bought lately?
SlvrChrMRL: TLC, Garth Brooks, Mary Poppins soundtrack, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Lion King, Elton John greatest hits.
Question: When are they planning on releasing their next album?
SlvrChrMRL: Next year some time.
Question: Are any of you available? What do you look for in a girlfriend?
SlvrChrMRL: No comment.
Question: So, how did you guys go about getting signed? Was it one of those "being at the right place at the right time" kinda deals?
SlvrChrMRL: Yeah, that's right.
Question: What did you record your demo on (4-track, 8-track)?
SlvrChrMRL: 8-track.
Question: How did you pick the name silverchair?
SlvrChrMRL: Mr. Myagi's bum sweat.
Question: Who was your role model or favorite rock star in Australia, did he influence your becoming a musician?
SlvrChrMRL: Ernie Dingo and Angus Young.
SlvrChrMRL: Fat.
Question: Are you attending school now? If not, how important is it to you and when, if ever, do you plan to return?
SlvrChrMRL: We've finished school for this year but we're going back next year.
Question: Where did you come up with Frogstomp for the name of your album?
SlvrChrMRL: On the back of a CD.
SlvrChrMRL: The back of a '60s greatest hits record.
Question: What inspired the silverchair song Pure Massacre?
SlvrChrMRL: Just war.
Question: what's up with the llamas, guys?
SlvrChrMRL: They're sick in Australia and we're trying to cure them.
Question: are you guys going to be touring in the south or near the south?
SlvrChrMRL: Just Dallas and Phoenix this time. And Baltimore, if that counts.
Question: What state that you have visited do you like the best?? Or does England top the states??
Question: Why are you playing at an over-18 club when you know most of your fans are under 18?
SlvrChrMRL: Most of the shows (95%) are all-ages shows.
Question: Where did you find the frog on the album cover?
SlvrChrMRL: On the side of a truck.
Question: Where did you get the pig idea for "Tomorrow"?
SlvrChrMRL: Most pigs are fat.
Question: What moves you the most when you write your music?
SlvrChrMRL: Wind. Cars.
Question: did you guys take private lessons on your instruments or did you teach yourselves?
SlvrChrMRL: We all taught each other.
Question: I am going to the concert at the Fillmore tomorrow...are silverchair the only band playing or is somebody opening up..if so who. I am curious cause I wanna know what time to get to the show...By the way i saw silverchair at Slim's. IT ROCKED!
SlvrChrMRL: There will be another band playing. Cola.
Question: What do you think about Green Day and their power chords?
SlvrChrMRL: They're pretty powerful.
Question: why are you guys doing this?
SlvrChrMRL: To annoy people.
Question: How come U guys kick so much ass?
SlvrChrMRL: Big cows are funny.
SlvrChrMRL: It doesn't happen. Wrong band.
SlvrChrMRL: We're not Bon Jovi.
Question: Do you guys like HOOTIE??
SlvrChrMRL: No.
Question: How many demos did you guys put out before you were signed?
SlvrChrMRL: 16.
Question: i saw your concert in santa monica, calif. a couple months ago and saw your lead singer hit in the face with a coke can. Is he ok?
SlvrChrMRL: [Daniel] He's dead. I'm an imposter.
SlvrChrMRL: Bon Jovi and Hootie. Can't decide.
Question: Are you going to college?
SlvrChrMRL: Yep. We're applying for medical degrees.
Question: were you nervous playing at the MTV awards?
SlvrChrMRL: No.
Question: is it hard living a normal life?
SlvrChrMRL: Why would it be?
SlvrChrMRL: What's so hard about it?
Question: silverchair, I need help. I'm in an alternative rock band. One problem. No name. Got any suggestions, silverchair??
SlvrChrMRL: Why not Orange chair?
SlvrChrMRL: Golly Knob, or Fat.
Question: where was your first gig?
SlvrChrMRL: Wembley Stadium.
SlvrChrMRL: Just kidding.
SlvrChrMRL: Our first show was at school.
Question: Do you feel that God has been a big influence in your life?
SlvrChrMRL: God means a lot to us.
Question: How do you guys feel about drugs and are their a lot of drug problems in your country?
SlvrChrMRL: Everyone's got a drug addiction. Panadol, or aspirin.
Question: ben, how long u been drumming?
SlvrChrMRL: About 7 or 8 years.
Question: are you going to tour New Zealand again?
SlvrChrMRL: Yeah, maybe with Smashing Pumpkins.
Question: I heard that you guys are going for the world record for most hit and runs on hotel doors. Is that true?
Question: What's the cats name????
SlvrChrMRL: Puss-filled flab knob.
SlvrChrMRL: Polowupski.
Question: How about a shrimp on the barbie????
SlvrChrMRL: Why the f*** are you asking us?
Question: what kind of bass guitar do you all use
SlvrChrMRL: A black one.
Question: Are you guys naked right now?
SlvrChrMRL: We're wearing native Indian fur. We're dancing around a mandarin. Picking our noses.
SlvrChrMRL: Sucking each other's ear wax and spitting it on the wall, then pissing all over it.
Question: Are you going to be playing any new songs tomorrow night?
SlvrChrMRL: Yeah, a couple. Two or three. But you won't like them.
Question: whats your favorite beer?
SlvrChrMRL: Root beer.
Question: who is the fat boy you talk about in tommorow
SlvrChrMRL: Fat.
Question: Please tell us what is the one movie you guys like to watch in the tour bus????
SlvrChrMRL: Pulp Fiction.
SlvrChrMRL: Thank you all for coming to Graceland. Thank you very much.
SlvrChrMRL: Thank you for supporting us on this meet.
OnlineHost: SlvrChrMRL has left the room.

Copyright Global Satellite Network Inc. 1995

[Thanks to Nikki ( for the transcript.]

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